Not quite sure what I'll do with this yet, but for now know that I am still here, and my adorable Bean and Peach are growing fast and are happy and well. Peach is over a year now, walking well and starting to talk quite a bit. Cat, Hat, Dog, Dada, Mama....Lots of shrieking, too...always surprises WF, especially in the car. She's staying true to her earlier indications of being a quick, active girl who wants to keep up with her big brother!
Bean is now about 3.5, and just started preschool! Two days per week, and he is very excited. It's his "big boy school", with a lunch bag and Bob the Builder backpack (Mama's been trolling garage sales...). He's growing into a careful, caring boy, most of the time... he's still capable of bopping his sister, of course. He's a talker, still, when he knows the situation. If he doesn't know you, don't expect that sort of talking for a while, till he checks everything out.
I am plugging away at various odds and ends of independent work-type projects, and I'm happy to be back to a more regular two-day per week childcare/work schedule. WF is still at his old place of employement, supporting us with good benefits, etc. We're still living at our old rural place, now ON the grid, with bigger gardens, etc.
One of my biggest challenges in the past year has been colds/allergies/sinus infections; it seems my allergies to mold and/or dust have gotten worse, and our house is full of it... sneezing constantly doesn't leave much energy for cleaning, especially when the cleanign makes things worse for a while. I had about 8 colds during Peach's first year, perhaps mixed with allergies. I often can't breathe through my nose AT ALL, which makes sleeping uncomfortable. I'm in the house more than I used to be (ie home with kids), but haven't managed to get it cleaned up very well.
SO... part of my purpose for reviving the blog is to create a public accountability (but a slightly different public than Facebook; mixed feelings about that venue right now) regarding a CLEANUP project for the house and my own health. I was toying with "name" ideas... how about GREEN ROUTINES? Ie environmentally and healthy actions, done in a routine so as to make them more set in our fairly chaotic lives. Yes, something like that. More soon, I hope! I'll leave you with a picture of some sort...
At the "rock beach" on my Birthday... getting two to smile at once is nearly impossible!