Things I learned (or was reminded of) last weekend:
Even babies are required to remove their shoes at airport security checkpoints.
Singing familiar songs out loud on a crowded plane may be a bit embarrassing, but works wonders for calming and distracting a certain Bean baby.
A 22+ lb 6 month old is MORE than a lapful, but this particular 6-month old can still manage to nap there if needed.
Bean is a shameless flirt with people on planes, subway and city busses; piercings and dubious looks make no difference.
Cousins are lots of fun!
One should make sure the camera battery is charged before heading into a beautiful fall evening in the Boston Commons.
It’s fun to say “Train to Maine”… and you can even get clam chowder while aboard!
WF is a superhero: a hilarious, helpful daddy, even while waiting for me to attend a work conference at a smarmy hotel.
Yes, indeed, we managed our first plane/train/subway/bus adventure with Bean-tot! We flew to Boston for our yearly visit, then "trained to Maine" for a work conference for me (much of the adventure financed through a work project; whoot!) The weather was great; still so many fall leaves out there.
Bean was amazing; a born traveler. We figured out that he gamely rode with us on 6 different forms of tranport. And as he's not very mobile yet, we were able to get away with wearing him in the Ergo carrier most of the time. No stroller! WF was, as always, great at making Bean laugh to distract him. Makes me want to quick fly out and travel the world! But alas, reality calls. Now we're back to regular life and some semblence of routine, with good memories of Bean's first big trip!
Bean is getting so big.
Glad your trip went well with him. My wife just took KIA on her first airplane trip to upstate NY and I guess it all went well.
Sounds like a great trip.
I have tagged you for a "six random things" meme. Details are on my blog.
Beautiful boy! I always remembered our babies traveled well.
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