Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Bean Day!

2 years ago today at this time, I had yet to meet our little/big Bean. He came to us after a very long labor at 11:57 pm on this day. He was a big, sleepy baby.

Now he is a full-fledged 2-year-old; he's been acting like it for a while. Not in the terrible two's way, but in the very verbal, very "with it" (as WF says) persona he projects. He's a storyteller, a problem solver, a kid with a good memory and a discerning eye. I was cooking buckwheat groats the other day, and he looked over and said "That's buckwheat!" I used to try to call it rice when I served it, but he knows better. His vocabulary is in the hundreds, I'm sure; I've lost count. He loves to help with outdoor and chicken chores, thanks to WF and his great sharing of outdoor/work time.

We had cake and candles this evening; he was excited by the candles and singing; not so much by the chocolate cake. We've tried hard to keep him "innocent" of many things, including sugar. He loves things like bunny grahams, but chocolate is just not his thing. I'll make a yellow cake for his little party on Sunday.

There's so much more I'd like to write about him, to preserve this time. Life will chance soon when he is no longer an only child, but I think he will be a good big brother. He loves his trucks, but he's also been spotted giving "milkies" to some dolls and has been dressing them up in the hand-me-down baby clothes we were given the other day. A well balanced soul, and I am very, very grateful! We are very blessed.

Happy 2nd birthday, little Bean! You are growing to be an amazing boy!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

What a handsome boy he's becoming, and growing SO fast!