Monday, December 05, 2005

Keeping Busy

I often use that term in emails to my parents... or some variation. We're staying busy, chickens, house, etc. etc. Not sure how we will ever feel "caught up", but we're trying to find some balance.

So many "important" things to do, how does one choose? AND keep the house in some sort of sanitary condition? Was just reading about Breed 'em and Weep's struggle against microscopic dog poop. I hesitate to admit it in this public way, but I suspect we have at least 2 species of microscopic... oh, never mind. I think the house is almost as sanitary as most.

Here's what been keeping us busy:
Peak Oil Central: W did a very impressive job of organizing a full-day event to discuss and contemplate this cheery subject. Some good people came to talk, and it was quite engaging. What's next? A huge topic, but one that is important and definitely colors our every day lives.

I managed to get away and contribute to this event again. Missed it last year, so it's been at least 2 years since I touched clay. Walking into the studio alone felt like entering an alien world for a moment (bats? Pug Mill? Slop bucket?) but I managed to find tools and get started, and within minutes had my first fully-functional and quite nice bowl. I wanted to show it off, but of course most people there were fully able to throw functional (and nicely thin and even) bowls, and didn't know they were supposed to be impressed that my muscle memory came through for me. It definitely made me smile, and smile again when leaving the bowls to be trimmed and glazed by someone else, a true artistic collaborative effort that I got the chance to participate in very briefly. Next spring, walking around the sea of bowls, I'll get to wonder where my 5 bowls are and what they look like with someone else's glazing.

Skills for the end of the world, right? W has been quite impressed with my skill in roasting yams in the woodstove, lately. The world might crash, but darnit, we'll have soft warm yams and hand-thrown pottery (provided someone gives us yams and fires the pots!).

First fire, 2005. Look at those bricks!

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