Lake Superior is MOSTLY free of ice: I took this video at the beginning of the month. The water is moving again, a big difference from our skating adventures of just a couple months ago. The "dark eyelid of doom" is just my camera showing it's age: the lens flappy things (technical term, y'know) don't always open all the way anymore.
The largest GREEN thing in our yard so far: Rhubarb. The cage is to prevent complete destruction by chicken; they love the stuff. I don't think it's good for them, so spend most of the summer fretting about them picking at the enormous plant that will rise from these sprouts.
I've heard mixed reports about the nutritional benefit of Rhubarb, but it's definitely a prolific "fruit" in this part of the country. Perennial dessert source: gotta love it.
But the chickens are finding a bit of approved greenery: grass! Peck snap, peck snap!
Maybe more movies soon...
My dog Nelson went swimming in the big lake for the first time this year. There was still plenty of slush on the surface, so it looked like he was paddling around in the world's biggest slurpee.
And bluebirds are checking out the boxes in our back yard... yay Spring!
Hey, what kind of chicken is that? I have one just like it!!! Her name is Buttercup, but when she's bad we call her Big Butt.
More movies!
hmm, we switched garden plots this year and saw something peeking up through the dirt behind it. Rhubarb, methinks.. looks just like it.
Bob- Slurpee, heh! It was very much like that in Duluth today: sounds cool when all that ice crinkles together. But brrrr!
Teri- She's a Buff Orpington, a heavy, cold hardy breed. Definitely big fluffy butts!
Aleximac: Movies, hmmm. I think it's entertaining, but another time drain... not likely what I need right now. Maybe soon! I have some risque rooster footage that I've been keeping under wraps...
We have Rhubarb over here to, we usually cook it with sugar, others make cakes with it. Personally I dont care too much for Rhubarbcake. Do you have other ways to use it?
I have a post up about me Chicken 'Janet; :) would love to have a bunch of them like you have.....
Mone....Rhubarb crumble with lashings of hot steaming custard is just the best :)
Hi, Mone and Marmitetoasty (mmm, marmite!) Welcome!
Let's see, Rhubarb: mostly I end up making a sauce of it, just rhubarb and honey, then putting it over crumbled cornbread or ice cream. I've had some luck with pureeing the sauce and drying it- making a fruit leather.
But the main problem with Rhubarb is that is REALLY tart, requires lots of sweetening somehow. Mostly that's sugar, which I try to avoid (at least refined sugar)... so it's a challenge. I've heard someone mention that Rhubarb can leach calcium from the body, something to do with the compounds it contains. So WF is a bit wary of it...
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