Chickens Knitting Cats Gardens and Frivolity!
Frolic. (n) 19th cent. A planned rural work party.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Happy Equinox! Did you know that chickens celebrate, too? Eggs being a pagan symbol of new life, and all. They presented us with 11 eggs yesterday, a first! That's from 13 chickens, half of them older, less productive models. They seem to enjoy marking seasonal changes.
Now those are some talented chickens. Do they have a calendar or something?
Woo-hoo!!! I haven't gone near my chickens lately; we just have to get the mean rooster problem and the mean goose problem sorted out.
Hey, e4. Yes, indeed, they are SMART chickens!
Deb- Yikes! We are really lucky with this batch. Pecking my boot is about as bad as it gets with our 'roos, knock on wood. Good luck.
pretty, nice large eggs.
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